What's the Buzz, MindUP & Adolescent Mindfulness at Rose Park Psychology

Rose Park Psychology, close by to Paediatrics at Burnside, have announced their 2018 group programs for children & adolescents. NDIS, Medicare rebates and private health rebates can often be used to help fund these programs, and you can find out more about this by contacting Rose Park Psychology.

What's the Buzz (Ages 5-7 & 8-10)

Emily Shaw, the Well-Being and Education Consultant at Rose Park Psychology, offers both What’s the Buzz? for Early Years (5-7 years of age) and What’s the Buzz? for Primary Students (8-10 years of age).

“What’s the Buzz? is designed for all children. It is especially for those who struggle to appreciate the free-flowing reciprocal nature of social interactions. Often such children are too shy, find it difficult to go with the flow, react too quickly, struggle to read social play, or to deal with day-to-day frustrations appropriately”. (Mark Le Messurier & Madhavi Nawana Parker, 2015).

These fun, engaging and role-play based 16-session programs target the following themes:

  • Greeting others
  • Making and keeping friends
  • Fitting in
  • Reading one’s own emotions
  • Reading the feelings of others
  • Dealing with competition
  • Coping with worry, frustration and disappointment more constructively.

You can find more information on the What’s the Buzz? website.

Parent/Caregiver Support for What’s the Buzz?

Emily runs both introductory and concluding parent and caregiver sessions, allowing parents to be fully informed about the program and to encourage them to incorporate the learning and skill development into their everyday lives. Parents and caregivers will also be given a USB that will include PDF letters explaining the content of each session, as well as other helpful support resources for use at home.

MindUP (Ages 11-15)

Emily Shaw, the Wellbeing and Education Consultant at Rose Park Psychology, offers The MindUP Curriculum for children/adolescents aged 11 to 15 years. The program is informed by research in cognitive neuroscience, mindfulness training, social and emotional learning, and positive psychology.

The MindUP Curriculum is suitable as an extension or enrichment program for children who are gifted and/or talented, and children who would like to develop their ability to live more mindfully.

This program is:

  • Science centric and evidence based
  • Grounded in neuroscience, positive psychology, mindful awareness, and social and emotional learning
  • An immersive discovery experience along with daily practices
  • Promoting of positive behaviour – improves learning and scholastic performance while increasing empathy, optimism, and compassion
  • Brought to life by a teacher in the classroom.

You can find more information on the MindUP website

Resources and Support:

All students will be given a USB that contains lesson overviews and support resources, such as links to help students practice the skills that they learn during sessions at home and in their everyday lives.

Source: Rose Park Psychology

Source: Rose Park Psychology

Mindfulness Meditation Group for Adolescents (Ages 13-19)

The program is run by psychologist Dr Christine Botha-Webb.

Adolescents are struggling with stress and mental health issues at higher rates than ever. Mindfulness has an increasingly growing body of evidence for therapeutic treatment of children and adolescents. It is a clinically proven tool suitable for adolescents experiencing stress, poor self-acceptance, anxiety, irritability, school issues, or simply for the purpose of self-improvement.

Mindfulness has Been Found to:

  • Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Improve resilience and self-esteem
  • Heighten academic performance
  • Enhance empathy and compassion
  • Improve quality of sleep
  • Increase happiness and acceptance

About the Course

Therapeutic Themes

  • Understanding stress
  • Determining your identity and purpose
  • Cultivating self-care and compassion
  • Positive experiences and pleasant moments
  • Developing mindful resilience
  • Coping with negative experiences
  • Improving awareness and attention
  • Using forgiveness and acceptance
  • Building mindful relationships
  • Increasing appreciation and gratitude
  • Developing a formal mindfulness practice

Enrolling for Group Programs

Contact Rose Park Psychology for more information, and to secure your place in one of our group programs. You can call them on (08) 8333 0940, or alternatively email on admin@roseparkpsychology.com.au


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