Script Renewal Requests
Fees are normally charged to process and provide prescription renewals or prescription repeat checks when script renewals are requested outside of appointments.
Phone the rooms to make the payment or email a copy of your bank’s remittance advice to our admin email.
If your doctor, at their discretion, declines to issue the script, needs to complete the request in an appointment or waives the fee,
any script fees you have paid will be changed to an Account Deposit and applied to contribute to the payment of the fee for your child's next appointment unless there are no further appointments scheduled.
Scripts are to be provided as eScripts wherever possible.
Use the form below to request script renewals for any medications prescribed by your associated provider.
But if you are not able to fill your Concerta/ Teva XR script due to the current shortage, please go here for more information and a form to request an alternative medication.
Script Renewal Request Form
Before or instead of issuing the script, your paediatrician or their locum, as per their professional, clinical and regulatory responsibilities,
may require a face-to-face appointment to review your child's progress, medication side effects or efficacy before issuing a script at any time.
may require a face-to-face review, usually a month, after beginning a new medication or dosage change.
will require, in the case of Authority Prescriptions, that your child is reviewed with a physical check-up face to face at least every six months and may decline the script request until your child can attend a review appointment. Please contact the rooms to arrange an appointment if not already booked.
may agree that a child from a regional, rural or remote area may have their medication reviewed over video but also require a physical check with and report from a more local health provider such as a GP.
may issue an interim script, if possible, once you have booked a review appointment and require that your child attend that appointment before any further prescription is made.
will require your child to have a current referral to their care for this matter.
may decline to renew the prescription.
Please check on your Script status and available repeats before requesting a Script renewal to avoid an unneccessary Script Request Fee.
You should check the number of repeats left, either on the medication packet or at a pharmacy.
Repeats should be listed on the dispensing label on your child’s medication. It is very likely that you have repeats, and the new script you request cannot be issued if the label shows you have repeats and it is less than
6 months (Stimulant and other monitored medications) was first written or
12 months (for other medications) since the script was first written,
If unsure, contact a pharmacist. The pharmacist who issued the recent script should have sent an SMS to you reporting on and documenting your eScript repeats. This will have been sent to one parent so parents should check with each other to see if they have this SMS. Paper repeats may be given to you or kept at the pharmacy.
Any pharmacist can check on Script Check for your child’s current stimulant or other monitored medications prescription status, availability of repeats and where you last filled the prescription.
Paediatricians can investigate your current script status, but this service will normally be billed to you even if a new script is not issued. The work of checking the script status is usually the same or more than the work of issuing a new script.
Further information:
Stimulant Scripts expire after 6 months, regardless of whether you have used all the repeats or not.
Usually, six prescriptions (initial plus five repeats) are issued for most long-acting stimulants. Sometimes Paediatricians issue a smaller amount as a trial or to cover you until a review appointment.
If your child takes the medication every day, you will run out of scripts in just under 6 months (because some months are 31 days).