Requesting or being offered a place on the Cancellation List-
New Patients
Once a New Patient’s appointment has been confirmed, all intake requirements met, and their referral is on file, they are entered onto the Cancellation List for an earlier appointment unless we have been advised that this is not appropriate for clinical reasons.
All new patient referrals are triaged and some may be prioritised for clinical reasons when offering earlier appointments. Patients are notified if the doctor has assessed them as being a high priority for cancellations.
However, relatively less urgent referrals may still be offered earlier appointments sometimes. We hope to be able to move all appointments forward, at least a little, and sometimes, a less urgent patient can have their appointment brought forward by a significant amount.
Current patients seeking an earlier review
If your provider or you request it, we will put your child on the cancellation list. It is best to provide the details concerning your need for an earlier appointment as this may be taken into account when appointment offers are being made.
An offer of a Cancellation List place assumes you are reasonably likely to be able to accept an offer of an earlier appointment.
A place on the Cancellation List is offered on the assumption that you can be reasonably flexible and motivated to accept an appointment offer if possible. We try to give as much notice as possible. Sometimes, an offer of an appointment must be made with less than 48 hours’ notice.
If you cannot be flexible about times and days, please advise us. Where reasonable flexibility is not possible and it is unlikely that you will be able to accept offers, please ask to be removed from the Cancellation List.
Please read this procedure carefully, save it, keep it on hand and review it regularly.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the Cancellation Offer Procedure. Other options for care while you wait to be seen
Other care options while you wait for your appointment
Our website has links to and information about a range of services, online programs, resources and other referral options you may wish to discuss with your GP.
The webpage is:
The Cancellation List procedure
How cancellations are offered:
When an appointment becomes available, we send an SMS to a small number of patients, and the appointment is then given to the first family, who replies by email to show they can accept the appointment.
We recommend that families respond even if they think they may have missed out on the appointment. Sometimes, we do not get a response for some time. Sometimes, the appointment is allocated within a few minutes.
If you receive an SMS offer like this, but with your paediatrician's name:
Wednesday 01/02 9.30 am- APPOINTMENT now available with Dr Generic & offered to you & several other children currently. To try for this, immediately send an EMAIL titled WANT TO ACCEPT OFFER-(CHIlLD'S NAME) to ADMIN@PAB.HEALTHCARE
and if you can accept this offer, reply without any delay by an EMAIL titled:
Email responses will then appear in our EMAIL INBOX in chronological order.
The first family who can accept the offer will be allocated the appointment, a Booking Email will be sent, and
No further debate or complaints regarding this allocation will be accepted or considered;
Any attempt to bully, intimidate or otherwise pressure staff may result in your child being removed from the cancellation list, your referrer being informed, and a recommendation that you seek care with a different provider elsewhere or in the public system;
if a family accepts the appointment but then seeks to cancel it with less than the required notice, they will be billed the full non-attended appointment fee.
We will call or email any other unsuccessful responders to let them know the outcome.
Sometimes, we can offer another earlier appointment if one has become available.
When appointments can be reallocated, other patients can be brought forward, but if the appointment is wasted, no patient can be brought forward.
If you no longer require an appointment, please advise as soon as possible so we can allocate time and appointments to other waiting patients.
Will my child be offered an earlier appointment?
Generally, we expect to move many appointments forward, a little or a lot, depending on urgency, over the year ahead. We take great care to avoid wasting any appointment time and work to bring appointments forward wherever possible.
How to ensure you do not miss offers:
Enter our phone number and email address into your contacts for Dad and Mum.
Set your email account up on your phones for quick response.
Advise the contact details for the most available and contactable parent as the primary SMS contact.
Do not delay completing the required forms and paying any invoiced Booking Fee.
Send needed consent forms, reports or questionnaires without delay.
Ask your employer or lecturer if they could accommodate a short-notice offer of a cancellation as
we try to give families at least 48 hours' notice, but often, this is not possible.
typically, appointments are allocated very quickly to the family who can immediately accept the offer.
and, if needed, we can provide a short letter to support you or can speak on the phone to clarify this and the need to be contactable at work with them.
Even if you miss an offer, your child's wait may be reduced. As patients are brought forward their previous appointment time may become available . If an appointment is wasted, no patient can be brought forward.
If you no longer require an appointment, please advise as soon as possible so we can allocate time and appointments to other waiting patients. Please also advise us if you do not wish your child be offered an earlier appointment.