SMS4dadsSA - Sign up now!

A new support program for expectant and new dads, provided by the SA Mental Health Commission.

Photo by monkeybusinessimages/iStock / Getty Images

We often talk about the fact that new mums can struggle with postnatal depression, anxiety or even just tiredness and stress. But, we often forget that new dads are also experiencing a radical change to their lives and can have their own set of struggles as they navigate caring for their newborn and it's mother. 

SMS4dadsSA is a new initiative, developed in partnership with the Family Action Centre at the University of Newcastle. It is designed to provide expectant and new dads with information, support and connections via frequent text messages to connect them to online services. 

Examples of texts dads will receive, both while their partner is pregnant and after the baby is born, include:

“At 20 weeks my eyelids and eyebrows are forming and I can even blink! Not much to see here but lots to look forward to.”
“Babyproofing your home now will make things less stressful when I come along. You might be too busy looking after me then dad.”
“Why don’t you take me out for a walk dad? This will also give us more bonding time and give mum a chance to rest.”
“Talk to me about anything dad. Your words will help my brain development.”

They'll also receive other messages with tips, information & links to services to help dads understand and connect with their baby, support their partner, and help address any emotional or mental health needs they develop.

Dads whose partner is at least 20 weeks pregnant can sign up anytime until birth. The only other eligibility requirements are that you must be over 18 years old, have a smart phone and read English texts. 


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